The true cost, if opportunity cost alone is accounted for, exceeds any number that an average person can fathom. You get an idea of the true cost of what we have lost as a people when you see hurt, fear and disconnect in the eyes of so many people around you - people who have no family to protect them, no system to support them, and no knowledge of any better way. Yet it doesn't have to be like this. We have traded in our opportunity for oppression, freedom for fear and liberty for restraint. These are sad days indeed..
Yet, this is not the first time in history that something like this has happened to a wealthy and powerful nation. The first stage of interminable decline of any great nation is a turning inward and increasing of tax burdens. Greece, Rome, China, Spain, Great Britain.... All have their place and story in the history books, and there are many others that could be included for similar reasons.
So why label this post hope? I did so, because despite how hopeless this situation seems, hope is alive and well, and will continue to flourish even if the unthinkable happens to this great nation and it falls. Humans are amazingly resilient, and I have no doubt that those who have a drive to survive will find a way to do so, even if we experience a major collapse.
Those who don't, or who are incapable, may not be as fortunate. A person can't live off of hope alone after all. There are real needs that people really need: food and water are the most obvious, but love and a genuine connection with others are just as important, although commonly overlooked.
We need a leader who understands how valuable our individual freedoms are, who is committed to protecting them, and is willing to face the Goliath that our government has become in order to successfully lead the sheeple back to safer grounds and protect them from the wolves waiting in plain view to feast on them.
Otherwise, the wolves will have their fill of those too blind to see the imminent danger they are in, and will leave the sheeple with nothing but death, destruction and total devastation in return. Not exactly a happy ending..
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