A collection of interesting quotes..
Think about this: when you follow others, you move along at a path not determined by yourself. But when you move along your own path, you don't have the protection of a herd being watched by shepherds.. Instead, you must now watch out for those who prey on others, being very careful not to get infected with a predator's innate inability to trust others. Living only to prey on others is a death sentence to intimacy and true love.

This one is self-explanatory. Another great way of saying this is Garbage In, Garbage Out. If you fill your head up with garbage, then that's what you'll extract from your thoughts. Plant the seeds of thought carefully, and make sure you know what exactly it is that you are planting.. :)
If you are looking for someone else to make you whole, then you are looking in the wrong place. If you feel incomplete, then I have bad news for you: nobody else in this world can love you enough for you. But here's the good news: once you learn to love yourself fully and completely, you will find a love that complements your own, and it will bring you as much happiness and satisfaction as you are willing to put into it. It all boils down to this: if you want to make your love pure, then you have to make pure love your only choice.
I may not have a PhD (yet), but the absence of those three letters is in no way an indication that I lack any sort of depth of understanding. The reality is that the more you know, the more you realize that there is simply far too much for any one person to know. Existence is on a scale that is unfathomable to humans, yet there are some who have lost themselves completely to their ego and falsely believe that they have life figured out. I'm here to tell you that nobody does. We are all winging it, and the best part is that it's not about being right or wrong in the end; it's about having a life worth living and remembering. And you don't need an education to do that..

What you see is not always what you get... Sometimes it's a product of your perspective. That's why it's important to step back and get a bird's eye view..
I absolutely love Bruce Lee's philosophy, and have drawn much inspiration from the words he left behind. Such a powerfully positive man who had a profound perspective on life. Only when we gain self-awareness can we break out of the cycle of defeat that judgement creates. Rise above the doubt and judgement of the world; only then can you see forever.
This is true, although I would like to add that if you think about a thing too much, it will never get done. So it's a balance between what you think and what you actually do. There is a fine balance that is different for each of us. It's up to each and every one of us to figure out our balance and walk in it.
Boredom and procrastination are my two biggest enemies!! Wise words to remember.. :)
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